วันเสาร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mardi Gras Is A Fun And Exciting Time For A Lot Of People And Can Be More Fun With Crafts

There are many people that celebrate Mardi Gras every year. They also like to decorate their house somewhat for their celebration. Kids will love to make their own decorations for the holidays. There are a lot of crafts that they can do and crafts are a great way for the family to be together having fun.

A miniature float is a craft that kids will have a ton of fun making. You will need to have a shoe box, paint, scissors, glue and miscellaneous supplies. You want to flip the box upside down and paint it. It doesn't matter what color you use but if you want to stick to the traditional colors of Mardi Gras then you will want to use purple, green and gold. You can use the lid if you want to but that is optional. If you do make sure it is glued to the box. Use different supplies such as crepe or tissue paper, beads, foil, small action figures, ribbon or glitter to decorate your float. Get creative and just have fun with it.

This second craft will be fun and easy to make also. It is a Mardi Gras eye mask. You will need to find a template of a mask. Once you have a template you will need to trace it or cut it out and glue it to thin cardboard. Cereal boxes work great for this. Decorate your mask anyway you want to. You want to make sure you let it dry completely. The last step is to staple a straw or glue a craft stick onto one side of the mask so that you will have a handle to hold onto. Kids will love making these crafts to help them celebrate.


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Heroes - Trust and Blood - Ramblings of a Constipated TV Critic About Microwaves and Cheerleaders

WARNING: This week's Heroes rap up makes references to bowel movements that are non-graphic in nature, but may still be disturbing to some readers.

I would characterize Heroes: Fugitives so far as demonstrating about the level of scripting prowess I would expect from a high school or college amateur film maker. The show is working on kind of a general concept level with lots of ideas and actions but not much substance. Again, I'm in the position with Monday night's episode Trust and Blood where it just kind of sits there on the screen. In 60 minutes we go from point A to point B to point C, but again very little character development or drama is happening in between beyond a cautiously intriguing storyline developing around Sylar and the newly introduced Microwave Boy character.

Of course, every time a new character is introduced into the show these days I have expect them to either simply drop and forget about them without explanation or kill them within two episodes without developing them at all. However, the pairing of Sylar with Microwave Boy has some interesting possibilities that any cynical Heroes fan right now will assume will probably be completely mishandled and squandered. Microwave Boy! He can melt your Star Wars action figures, stop your pacemaker or warm up your Hot Pocket from 20 yards away!

Overall, I guess I'm less pessimistic about the show than I was in the midst of the mess that was Villains, the first half of Season 3, but I'm increasingly of the opinion that we're not going to really be able to judge this show as creatively dead or characterize it with even a slight pulse until we can put the era of the current and recently shit-canned creative team well behind us. The show really doesn't just need different writers, it needs an entirely new vision. Dare I say that even Tim Kring is a major part of the problem now.

And so because I have this outlandishly bizarre sexual fetish for bullet point lists, let my offer this week's current State of Heroes summary.

o Nice Idea, How About a Plot to Go With It? Okay, let's take the good and the bad. I kind of like the general idea of where they're going with Fugitives. Concept: take the main characters, scatter them and let's have the bad guys hunt them down for the rest of the season. Problem is, apart from outlandishly poor dialogue like Peter making simplistic statements about how they need to stop Nathan, it's almost as if they filmed a concept rather than trying to build any real story around it. You can't simply say that "everyone's on the run let's try to catch them" for 10 or 12 episodes. Are they going to build any real story into this mess or is it just going to be "We have to stop Nathan before he catches us" week after a week for a while?

o A Probably Unfair Comparison to Demonstrate Why Heroes Currently Fails. Yes, I know that Heroes is NOT the X-Men series, but there is a key comparison that you can make between the two pieces to demonstrate the problems with the show currently. Hardcore and casual fans of the X-Men should notice how in those comics and movies that the cultural implications and problems created by the fact that we have genetically enhanced humans is simply the setting in which the story takes place, or basically, it's The Premise. However, with Heroes it's all about the concept: what do we do with these powers, what do we do about these powers, what do we do about the people with the powers...etc. Herein lies the difference between something that works really well, like X-Men vs. the current state of Heroes. X-Men realized that the premise and the plot were two different things. X-Men told stories that were made unique and interesting by the premise. Heroes takes the premise and simply pounds you over the head with it again and again with no story. That's why X-Men fans care about Logan and Jean Grey and the Professor, because they're developed characters involved in interesting stories. Heroes is simply a bunch of powers and stereotypes with character names attached to them and not much else.

o Heroes! In Two Vibrant Colors: Black AND White! While the first season of Heroes was all about moral grey areas, it seems like the writers currently don't understand how to make this work at all. Rather than exploring these "moral grey areas" with the characters anymore they are trying to get the same effect in a couple of cheap ways: either by changing characters from good to bad over a short period of time or almost instantly, or simply trying to conceal a character's true motives from week to week. This whole cut rate string along is just getting tiresome and the show is littered with examples. Nathan Petrelli is an outstanding demonstration of this. The first season was a conscience struggle all year with Nathan. He was torn over what was right and what was wrong and it all paid off with his act of seeming self sacrifice in the season finale. Since then it's been "good" Nathan fighting for the cause along side Peter, or a sudden complete 180 degree turn back to bad Nathan that is motivated by political ambition. The list of characters currently being given the shaft in this manner is considerable: Nathan, Noah Bennett, Sylar and to a lesser extent you can even argue that Mohinder, Peter and Ando are all just being poorly written and realized.

o From Disgust to Apathy. I'm finding that my apathy for the show and characters is growing. I only continue to write about it because I still hold out some hope that the show is fixable, but even I was surprised by how much I was totally unmoved in almost any meaningful way by the apparent dusting of Daphne this week. I don't dislike the character at all, but they've just failed the character on virtually every emotional level. I'll be honest, I had nipped off to the little boys room to powder my nose for a moment (mercifully telling my wife that she didn't need to pause the DVR first) and I actually missed the shooting and had to go back and rewatch it. YES, I WAS DROPPING A DUECE WHEN DAPHNE WAS KILLED...and my response was a blisteringly firm "eh..." It's a two-pronged apathy really. First, we're over halfway through the year and they really haven't developed her in any way beyond superficially, so seeing her get wasted (or hearing her get wasted while having a bowel movement) just seemed like yet another "use 'em and forget 'em" routine. The other reason that it had virtually no impact is that death continues to seem almost completely meaningless in this show. The only character developed beyond an episode or two that has died and really STAYED DEAD is Isaac Mendez at the end of season one (along with the Peter/Isaac's love triangle chic). And here we are, a season and a half later with them having dusted Issac, the guy that paints the future, yet the show continues to have to introduce other characters that can do it. It seems that the "painting the future" concept continues to be the easiest "out" for the writers to make a half-assed attempt to generate any drama and the cheapest sleaziest way to advance the plot. I touched upon it last week briefly, but now we've got Matt Parkman now filling the Isaac Mendez role? I guess they've completely given up on Parkman as he was being developed up until now. One of the only characters that they seem to convey any consistent set of morals, standards or behaviors with and they now seem to have redefine his abilities and place in the story.

o "What became of your lamb, Clarice?" or Can they please make this cheerleading, teenage bitch interesting? Or at least have her lead a cheer or something? I see a lot of varying opinions on Claire, the Cheerleader. Some fans see her as the least interesting Hero. Personally, I see her as one of the the most interesting but mis-used character in the series. I loved the character in the first season of the show. She didn't want her powers, didn't want to have any involvement in any of this crap, yet she was the pivot point on which the story arc turned and she was pulled unwillingly into the mix. Save the cheerleader, save the world. Great tag line. Since then, Claire has just been kind of tossed around like an old bag of moldy tangerines. Hayden Panettiere may not have Emmy caliber acting chops in the role of Claire, but she has she has enough range to make this character work if the writers give her anything to work with. They seemed to tease the character in the direction of being duty-driven to help her friends and somehow use her powers to help them. She's also torn between loving and caring for her dad, Noah Bennett (as opposed to biological Dad, Nathan) and hating and not understanding him. That's okay, how can Claire understand her father when the team writing the show can't seem to? Fortunately for the character of Claire, the extant of "The Good Claire/Evil Claire" game the show has played has limited it to the glimpses of the alternative future 2-dimensional, cardboard cutout Claire "She Must Be the Evil Version Because She Has Black Hair" Bennett that goes around trying to inexplicably shoot and kill a Peter Petrelli that seemingly can't be shot and killed...stop me before I get a headache from all this, please. Alright, before I ramble on any further about this, my point is that they haven't completely polluted the character of Claire yet. The show seems to continually gravitate toward isolating her from the story as things get too deep and bring her back in at key points. Somewhere buried in Claire is a ray of light that they show can be saved.


I'm convinced that this is one possible course of getting Heroes back on course. Fix this character. And of course, Hayden is a 19 year old hottie, but that goes without saying, so the more Hayden Panettiere in short skirts the better.

o Who Am I to Judge? I'm not in the business of trying to tell the professional writers how to do their job. Could I write it better? Officially, my answer is no. However, I'm not being paid a hefty salary to write a television program that large numbers of people enjoy. The writers of Heroes ARE being paid to write a show that people like me enjoy. And judging by how people are flipping away from the show in large numbers this season as shown by the plummeting ratings, the writers that are getting paid to write a show that is watched and enjoyed by a wide range of viewers are failing. It's one thing to have a quality, well-written show that has trouble finding or never finding it's audience: Cheers and Seinfeld are examples of initially dismally rated shows that initially went on to acclaim). InHeroes case, though it's like a gigantic red SUCK flag when you have a highly rated and acclaimed show that loses a large chunk of its built in fan base and its acclaim virtually overnight. I will grant that it has only been a couple of months since the lead writers got the sack, so we're still not getting any fresh takes on the material yet.

o This Week's Spin Off Idea: Heroes: English Lessons! I'm actually not proposing this as a spin off, but as a season 4 story arc. It seems that the Heroes concept is to break each season into two story arcs. This year it was Heroes: Villains and Heroes: Fugitives. Since the writer's strike cut Season 2 in half, there was only one arc. So my proposal for the story arc for the first half of season 4 is Heroes: English Lessons!
The first 12 episodes should be devoted to chronicling in detail the saga of Hiro and Ando taking a 12-week continuing education course in English. Each episode would be one 45-minute classroom scene. This may seem rather dull on it's surface, but don't think it could be much less dramatic than what we've seen in season 3 so far. At the conclusion of this story arc, Hiro and Ando would both be very sufficient if not fluent English speakers. The reason for this story arc is simple: I'd like to be able to look away from the screen for a moment to pick a zit or pull the underwear out of my crack without having to glue my eyes to the screen to read a 7 minute scene with subtitles. One act of mercy in the show the past couple of weeks is that they've separated the Japanese Laurel and Hardy duo forcing them to try to speak English in their scenes.
In the pilot episode of Heroes: English Lessons!, Hiro freezes time so he can sneak off to the restroom without having to raise his hand to ask to be excused from class.

That's it for now. I give the current installment of Heroes a resounding "bleh." I know those that continue to be apologists for the show probably stumble on my weekly blog occasionally and think that I just simply hate this show. I can tell you that this could not be further from the truth.
On second thought, that about sums it up. Right now I do hate this show. But it was a very short time ago that I loved this show, and I am sticking through it in hopes that the Titanic can reverse course out of this iceberg.

original optimus prime jeff hardy action figure transformers energon figures

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C Spray's Action Figure Review 01: Marvel Universe Green Goblin

This is a video review of 3 and 3/4 inch Marvel Universe Green Goblin. I do not own the music in this video. I also feel instead of of the Fury Files Thing..I fel alt heads would be cool, and maybe a spring loaded throwin arm or some rope to hang Spidey from.ah well.


transformers energon figures

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Mortal Kombat Kano Action Figure Review

*Update; Please Read Before You Comment* This video was done in my early days of Youtube, yes I know my hair looked "gay" and I was a n00b. But, those videos were made just because I liked the figure, not that I knew anything about it. Please don't hate before you check out my new reviews on my channel. I promise there filled with more information, have better lighting, and I would like to think my hair doesn't look "gay" anymore. Please do not hate, until you look at my new videos(January 09 And Up)



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Marvel Legends Deathlok Figure Review

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GI Joe 25th Anniversary Buzzer Action Figure Review

*Update; Please Read Before You Comment* This video was done in my early days of Youtube, yes I know my hair looked "gay" and I was a n00b. But, those videos were made just because I liked the figure, not that I knew anything about it. Please don't hate before you check out my new reviews on my channel. I promise there filled with more information, have better lighting, and I would like to think my hair doesn't look "gay" anymore. Please do not hate, until you look at my new videos(January 09 And Up)


neca toys transformers energon figures jeff hardy action figure

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Kids Snake Eyes Costume - The Coolest 2009 Halloween Costume!

Everyone loves Halloween. It is the only time of the year when we can dress up as something other than ourselves. And our kids love it because they can become superheroes, villains, or havoc-wreakers (depending on their personality!).

As October 31 approaches, we are all scrambling to try and find a reasonably priced costume for our kids and ourselves. The question is: What To Be For Halloween? 2009 brings plenty of options as comic book heroes have come full circle and retaken the limelight.

The coolest costume I have found this year is the GI Joe Snake Eyes costume. It is a black, ninja-style muscle suit with a mask, sword and sheath, and gloves. It looks just like the real thing! And you can buy Kids Snake Eyes costume for under $30 at most online shops. Plus they have an adult version too. Not bad, considering the state of our economy.

After watching my son spend hours playing GI Joe video games, I know that the Snake Eyes costume is perfect for him. Plus I can relate because I used to spend hours playing with GI Joe action figures when I was younger. How times have changed, right? I guess all kids love the idea of warfare. It is human nature because war has been with us ever since humans secured dominion over the planet. So why not encourage my son to be the 'Good Guy', Snake Eyes, who fights the evil Cobra Empire? That is exactly what I am going to do. And for the sake of nostalgia, I may just add in an adult Snake Eyes costume and go with him door-to-door in search of the best candy!

Happy Halloween!

toy rocket action figures

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I'm Addicted to Superhero Comics, Movies, and Cartoons

X-men, Superman, Spiderman and his amazing friends, The Hulk, Justice League, Dragon ball Z, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Thundercats, Bravestarr, Thundarr the Barbarian, Ironman, Fantastic 4, and so on and so on. I'm 33 and I'm addicted to superhero cartoons and movies.

I mean every since the invention of the DVR (digital video recorder), I can't get enough of all the crime fighting stuff. Am I alone, and does anybody else like an overload of Spidey or X-men? Maybe I'm jealous, and it's the fact that kids today are spoiled silly, and as a kid I was unable to watch toons quite as much. I remember watching a little bit of cartoons before school, a hour or so after, maybe.

To be honest Saturday morning was the main time of the week to get your fill of cartoons. But in this day and age of 1,000,000 cable channels, there are several that just show cartoons. Which means that at any given time, a kid can just turn it on and watch away. I use to call my son in the room, just so I could say, " I was watching superhero shows with him". Now I just don't care anymore, and I DVR everything. Justice League Unlimited is my favorite right now and it's like the soaps for dudes or something.

I never knew watching Superman and Batman could be so drama filled, and everybody has a girlfriend. But enough about me and what I love, what is the message that superheroes convey. I think that heroes appeal to the good inside of everyone. We all would like to think that if we somehow gained unlimited power, that it would be used for the good of all mankind. I mean dedicating your entire existence to helping others, that's what a hero truly is. Which brings me to my favorite part of the comics, the Super Villain.

It's amazing how most of the villains were all good at one point, and there is always a specific chain of events to turn them evil. Is that the truth about most of mankind, and does everybody have just a little bit of evil hidden deep inside of them? Most villains are extremely rational, too rational and blinded by there desires. In desperate situations they can often be reasoned with for the good of everybody involved. But some evil knows no boundaries, an chaotic evil characters are the best example of this. Some beings just don't care about money, wealth, or assets. There only purpose and deepest desire is the watch everything and everybody burn.

When I was younger and read about Superman's battles with Darkseid, superman asked him, "what is was that he was after". He replied, "the Anti-Life Equation", and I'm like 8 years old but I fully understood what he sought! Total and complete devastation, and nothing less would be acceptable for him. Superman then replied," I will never stop fighting and I will always be here to stop you. The world NEEDS heroes like that! It could be said the firefighters and red cross volunteers are real life heroes.

Courage in face of danger and hopelessness, that's my definition of a hero and I love them for that. I think I just enjoy watching the struggle between good and evil. It never seems to bore me, and I just can't get enough of it. I'm always open to a discussion with anybody regarding, superpowers, best heroes, villains or anything else DC or Marvel related.

action figures star wars darth vader transformer gundam action figures

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Marvel Legends Fearsome Foes SpiderMan Review

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วันพุธที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

marvel legends accumulating update

this my update of my collection some new things and i switched around my figures please subcribe, rate and comment...i love comments


boba fett costumes

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Hulk vs Thing

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WCW Chris Jericho Ring Masters Action Figures

WCW Chris Jericho Ring MastersAction Figures Tags : Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Brock Lesnar, Rob Van Dam, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Tazz, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, Sabu, Terry Funk, Jeff Hardy, Batista, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Psicosis, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Eric Bischoff, JBL, The Undertaker, Tajiri, Ric Flair, Kane, Goldberg, Cactus Jack, The Sandman, Spike Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley,Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Eddie Guerrero, Razor Ramon, Batista, Kane, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Goldberg, The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Randy Orton, Mr Perfect, Crash Holly, The Hardy Boyz, Sting, Ken Shamrock, Shane McMahon, Rey Mysterio and Tazz, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Sgt Slaughter, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Kane, Mankind, the nWo, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Cactus Jack, Andre The Giant, Demolition, The Legion of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page, Razor Ramon, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Sting and The Rock Tribute Chavo The Rock,The Undertaker,Kurt Angle,nWo (New World Order) (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, Chris Benoit,Kane Hollywood Hulk Hogan,Rob Van Dam Billy & Chuck,Booker T Edge,Big Show Rikishi,Bubba Ray Dudley D ...



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วันอังคารที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Christmas Gift Ideas for Newly-Wedded Couples

As the Christmas season approaches, exciting gifts come across our mind to remind us that people we love deserve a special present. However, if Christmas gifts coincide with an event such as the wedding of your best friends, finding the right present for your preferred Newly-Wedded Couple is an exciting activity.

Newly Weds often dream of wealth building as they begin a life together so thinking of engraved gifts that motivate such dreams are just one of the many options you have for a Christmas gift. In fact, some wedding gifts and marriage symbols are closely related to wealth and abundance.

Engraved gifts are among the most appreciated weeding presents and they make great Christmas gifts as well. You can find them in a large variety of sizes, shapes, and styles, including personal items such as jewelry boxes, but also money clips, key chains, and much more. Specific symbols can be ordered in most cases, including wealth-building symbols such as chests, pyramids, etc.

At first glance, GI Joe Action Figures could seem a gift related to the groom, but these action figures have a background in history and collectible rewards. A newly wedded couple can feel identified with GI Joe in such ways since the figures represent heroes or heroic actions. Wealth building is a sort of heroic battle that both groom and bride are just about to take

As collectible items, you will find a number of three-action packs with a variety of characters, as well as traditional heroes, vehicles, Cobra troopers, commando series, just to name a few. Whether you chose an action figure or engraved gifts, take in mind your friends preferences and not your personal taste.

People often go with the idea of getting the present that they would like to receive, instead of considering the newly weds preferences. However, focusing your mind on wealth building, instead of any other specific theme, your chances of choosing the right present will multiply considerably.

Remember that these presents are not limited to symbolic items that you can purchase. If you are wondering about a great Christmas gift, what better that giving away an audio-program that teaches your friends how to build their new wealth as a married couple. These programs are also available in different formats including video, CDrom, DVD, and even printed formats for your convenience, matching the newly wedded couple needs.

Depending on how close your relation is with the couple, you can subtle inquire more about their expectations after marry. They are meant to be an average couple, or they are going to be true partners in love, finances and household matters. If you see they want to progress in life going hand in hand, go for a wealth building-related Christmas gift.

Otherwise, you can always try GI Joe Action Figures just as an original present if they have no idea of the motivation that such characters provide or go for traditional engraved gifts that almost never fail.

boba fett costumes mezco action figures

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Marvel Universe Red Hulk 3 75 inch

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ECW Taz Classic Original Action Figures

ECW Taz Classic OriginalAction Figures Tags : Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Brock Lesnar, Rob Van Dam, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Tazz, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, Sabu, Terry Funk, Jeff Hardy, Batista, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Psicosis, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Eric Bischoff, JBL, The Undertaker, Tajiri, Ric Flair, Kane, Goldberg, Cactus Jack, The Sandman, Spike Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley,Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Eddie Guerrero, Razor Ramon, Batista, Kane, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Goldberg, The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Randy Orton, Mr Perfect, Crash Holly, The Hardy Boyz, Sting, Ken Shamrock, Shane McMahon, Rey Mysterio and Tazz, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Sgt Slaughter, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Kane, Mankind, the nWo, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Cactus Jack, Andre The Giant, Demolition, The Legion of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page, Razor Ramon, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Sting and The Rock Tribute Chavo The Rock,The Undertaker,Kurt Angle,nWo (New World Order) (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, Chris Benoit,Kane Hollywood Hulk Hogan,Rob Van Dam Billy & Chuck,Booker T Edge,Big Show Rikishi,Bubba Ray Dudley D-Von ...


mezco action figures

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transformers sky dasher / powerdasher. transformers.wikia.com


mortal kombat action figures

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Christmas Gift Tips For Your Teenager

As a parent, you know that kids cannot tell the difference between what they want and what they need. Let's face it, kids just want the latest thing out there and are very highly influenced by what their friends are doing. You do not have the luxury of being able to buy everything they want or the time to research everything that comes along to make sure it is safe and that it teaches your children good habits rather than bad. The best that you can do is find alternative options and hope that it is entertaining and appreciated. Here are a few ideas that might get you through Christmas without too much drama.

Your child wants an electric guitar. It is wonderful that they are expressing an interest in music. It shows that they are looking for a creative outlet and that they have healthy dreams and a goal in mind. However, an electric guitar is about three steps too many and can be very expensive. A regular box guitar or a starter guitar is a much more sensible choice and explaining to the child that this is the way to start is easier than telling them you just can't afford to purchase something that has a better than average chance of collecting dust under the bed before spring. Hint: give a "Guitar for Beginners" book and let them know that if they are diligent, and become proficient with the starter, there is an electric guitar in their future.

Video games that promote violence are not your cup of tea but your child would kill zombies for a living if it were possible. There are no easy ways to let down a child who has their heart set on a certain title but there is an option that will make the disappointment a little easier to bear. Sports games are fun, have plenty of action, and require the kind of skill that makes zombie killing pretty lame. If you are lucky enough to have a teen that is into the sports games, perfect. If not, get them started. They will get enough blood and gore on TV.

The problem with electronic gadgets is that they become obsolete every three months. The secret that the technological empire does not want you to know is that we jumped about fifty years on the technological front, which means a loss to the companies that control this market. Rather then make the products they are capable of making out on the leading edge of the technology, these companies are milking the market by advancing their products one small step or two at a time. Rather than purchasing these products for Christmas, sign you child up with a service that charges for the use and provides the equipment at a small charge and then let the child know his or her usage limitation. They are more apt to stay within affordable bounds if they know there is an upgrade waiting if and only if they do.

Designer shoes and clothes are one of the most sought after items not just at Christmastime but all year around. Sports figures that both you and your child admire are getting into the game at about a dozen a month and it is all but impossible to afford any of them. This is where the barter system comes into play. Let your teenager know in advance that you will look into getting either one complete, mid-range outfit that includes the shoes or two pair of shoes or two set of clothes.
This way, the child knows what to expect and you do not worry yourself to death that they will be disappointed by getting something that they did not want or not getting it at all. Make them earn it with chores and tasks that make life easier for both of you.

Your little ones can be placated from nagging you with Santa Calls or Phone Calls from Santa before Christmas. (Yes, this service is available from reliable companies.) Your teen however, can be ruthless when it comes to begging for what they want rather than what they need. Be firm and let them know what to expect and the holidays will not put you into a holidays.

boba fett kids costumes undertaker action figure

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5 Steps to Raising Creative Kids

Kids can be very creative - if we let them.  However, some toys and activities are better than others at increasing a child's level of creativity.  Crafts are one example of toys that allow children to do just this.  Crafts are a great way for kids to show off their creativity because using your imagination is the only rule that applies.  Plus, kids and crafts go together naturally.  

However, it's not enough to simply give your children some crafts to do.  You might find that they need a little more help.  So, here are 5 things that you can do to get your kids to be more creative.

Forget the rules.  Let your kids experiment without having to worry about how things should be done.  Let them mix different colours together, put different types of beads on the same string, make clothes for their dolls or whatever else they want to try.  The best part of experimenting is seeing what will happen next!
Leave free time in their schedule.  Don't try to plan out every minute by filling it with activities, lessons, practice times or sports.  Let your child do whatever they want to just play and be a kid.
Examine their toys.  Some toys explain how they must be played with.  Ditch them now!  Give your child toys or crafts that need them to use their imagination; for example: beads, building blocks, crayons, paint, play dough, or whatever else you can find.  My favourite toy as a child was play dough because I could make it be anything or any shape that I wanted it to be.
Make time to play together as a family.  Not only will it create great memories that will last a lifetime, but it's also a great way to bond together.  Here are some things that you can do during "family play time":

Create your own games.  Create games or obstacle courses from items you can find around the house, create your own rules and then sit down and play a game together.
Play charades.  Write up your own scenes or objects to act out and have other family members guess.
Tell your kids to put on a play for you.  Whether they are the actors or they make their own puppets to use in the play, you should sit down and be prepared to be amazed!
Make up your own stories for story time.  You start off and every once in a while, you can ask your kids what they want to have happen next.

Let them get messy.  Whether they are baking, painting or playing outside in the mud, let them make a mess.  Put newspaper or plastic sheets on the floor so that clean up will be a breeze.  If kids don't have to worry about getting in trouble, they can relax and let their imagination take over.

wwf wrestling action figures

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Marvel Legends Hawkeye Review

I review my Hawkeye figure. Nothing else really to say here.


original optimus prime ringside collectibles

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Org von Drenor SvR 2010 access pirates of the caribbean wwe .wmv

fwefilms.piczo.commore tags: wwe wrestling show raw smackdown tna ecw christian goldberg the rock returns batista orton hhh hbk dx live kenny shawn theme entrancejwe wwe action figures wrestling cena hbk triple raw smackdown ecw the rock goldberg hogan hulk returns download link tna sex porn strip stop motion animation kendrick theme track countdown mbg1211 jedsworld painfull bloopers ewa ccw silva thehardyboyzwwe wweangi new channel backyard brawl hardcore death fightjumo moments brutal shocking omg


mezco action figures toy rocket

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

WCW HollyWood Hulk Hogan Figure & Handheld game

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Episode 11: Iron Man 2 New Iron Man Action FIgure Review

This armor is pretty cool though some off the paint application chip off so it's not super well made


gundam action figures boba fett kids costumes mortal kombat action figures

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#6 - Wrestlemania-- Intercontinental + WWF Title Cage Match

The Card changes from what it was previously set to be. The Federation took action against Diesel for interfering in Shawn Michaels' Title shot, by taking away his match and giving it back to Michaels.


toy rocket jeff hardy action figure wcw action figures

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

New Wrestling Stuff (Boxes 1 - 4 )

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superman vs blob and clark kent activity amount dolls

this is another of my nephews phone videos made with his dolls it is pretty funny check it out!


boba fett costumes

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Vince McMahons Illiginamite Son(s)

A vid of mr Mc.Mahon and his illiginamite son...s? me and my friend were so bored we decided to make a vid of WWE action figures. Please comment! A special thanks to XMDinx for the letting me use his camera and, action figures!


ringside collectibles HOT DAIRY LINDSAY LOHAN CELEBRITY STAR wwf wrestling action figures

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

SHIELD Set Up #2 ( Marvel Legends )

Need SHIELD Agents ? Go here !!!!!1 www.bigbadtoystore.com www.bigbadtoystore.com Here's a new video of my SHIELD .... 22 strong and growing ! SHIELD (Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law-enforcement Division) is an extra-government intelligence and security organization dedicated to protecting the nations and peoples of Earth from all threats, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. SHIELD was organized in the early 1960s to meet the threat of the highly technological subversive organization called Hydra. The identities of the organizations founders, its Executive Board, have never been revealed. SHIELDs first known Executive Director was Colonel Nicholas Fury, an ex-World War II commando and CIA operative. SHIELDs Supreme Headquarters is the huge mobile Helicarrier, but there are also regional offices in all the major cities of the free world and several secret bases in Communist countries. Although most of SHIELDs operations are covert, the organizations existence is known to general public. SHIELD even maintains public offices in several cities. Only a few of the several thousand SHIELD operatives active throughout the world are known. In the wake of Colonel Nicholas Fury's "Secret War" the position of director was passed to Maria Hill. Recently she has passed the role to Tony Stark (Iron Man) after the "Civil War". marvel legends shield captain america two packs review collection fury ms sharon carter maria hill iron man transformers gi joe star wars action ...


wwe action figures jeff hardy action figure gundam action figures

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Marvel cosmos red hulk

this is the amazing 3 3/4 red hulk fig a must have figure!!!!!!!!


neca toys jeff hardy action figure

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black spider-man curiosity legends red hulk

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วันพุธที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My WWE Jakks NWO Wrestling Figures

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Episode 1 (Tutorial) : How to booty activity abstracts afar for

I take apart a Light-Up Hulk to show you an example in this episode - Captured Live on Ustream at www.ustream.tv


transformers energon figures

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GTA Cheats Revealed

Coming onto the scene in October of 1997, the grand theft auto franchise from DMA Design and eventually Rockstar games has changed the culture of youth around the world forover a decade now. With 11 games on the street across a wide variety of platforms and 12th game Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars out in early 2009, the legacy is not dying off any time soon.

It should be no surprise that since 1997, there have been a myriad of game cheats available for GTA. Over the years, all sorts of cheats have been revealed including:

o Inifinte Lung Capacity

o Making Cars Fly

o Adding Ntiro To Cars

o Reducing/Increasing Traffic

o Driving on water

o Changing the weather (Fog, Rain, etc.)

o Leveling up weapons/health

And these are just a fraction of the total galaxy of GTA cheats out there. What makes the collection of cheats so unique as compared to other games is the fact that instead of just getting better weapons, or becoming invincible you can control virtually every aspect of the game to really change gameplay. Imagine if you could walk outside and decide to make it rain and get rid of traffic on the highway with the snap of a finger!

In fact, it is this attention to detail and varying conditions that make the game as incredible as it is and have helped lead to the long term success of the franchise. Detailed cheats to modify cars, streets, clothing, spray-paint, depth perception, etc. have all helped to contribute to a playground that can be enjoyed again and again with different scenarios every time.

Equally unique and engaging are the methods utilized for inputting GTA cheats. In older versions of the game, a series of button combinations were utilized to enter cheats. As newer versions have been release there are actual in-game tools gamers use to input cheats. For example in GTA4 San Andreas, cheats are entered by using Niko's cell phone to enter a series of numeric strings.

As financial times tighten up, the ability to play the same game over and over by just entering a few codes will help reduce the need to buy new games every month and provide fresh, engaging game play between annual releases.


neca toys transformers energon figures

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วันอังคารที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marvel Legends Hercules Review

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spider-man & blob toilet cardboard cycle comic!

This was an actual product. No kidding. The amazing spider-man & incredible hulk toilet paper came out in 1979 by a company called 'OH DAWN! INC'. There is a sequential comic printed in blue ink on the toilet paper, so if someone else used the bathroom then you'd miss out on part of the story! 40.65 sq. ft of pulse pounding action between spidey and hulk. It didn't catch on. Maybe because folks didn't want blue ink on their arse.


gurren lagann action figure

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Marvel / Dc collection

This is a video of my collection of action figures based on comic charactes. Most are from the toyline Marvel Legends, there are a few from Marvel Select, Iron man, Spider-man, Dc Universe and Dc Superheroes. I am not selling or trading any so please don't ask.


wwe action figures gurren lagann action figure mortal kombat action figures

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

WCW Hollywood Hogan Ring Masters Action Figures

WCW Hollywood Hogan Ring MastersAction Figures Tags : Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Brock Lesnar, Rob Van Dam, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Mr Kennedy, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Tazz, Matt Hardy, The Big Show, Sabu, Terry Funk, Jeff Hardy, Batista, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Psicosis, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Eric Bischoff, JBL, The Undertaker, Tajiri, Ric Flair, Kane, Goldberg, Cactus Jack, The Sandman, Spike Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley,Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Eddie Guerrero, Razor Ramon, Batista, Kane, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Goldberg, The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Randy Orton, Mr Perfect, Crash Holly, The Hardy Boyz, Sting, Ken Shamrock, Shane McMahon, Rey Mysterio and Tazz, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Sgt Slaughter, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Kane, Mankind, the nWo, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Mr Perfect, Shawn Michaels, Cactus Jack, Andre The Giant, Demolition, The Legion of Doom, Diamond Dallas Page, Razor Ramon, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Sting and The Rock Tribute Chavo The Rock,The Undertaker,Kurt Angle,nWo (New World Order) (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, Chris Benoit,Kane Hollywood Hulk Hogan,Rob Van Dam Billy & Chuck,Booker T Edge,Big Show Rikishi,Bubba Ray Dudley ...


wcw action figures star wars darth vader transformer mezco action figures

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Hulk -ripping a catchbasin afar -custom by: rkttkr (Pyramidsrtlight)

Made this custom Marvel Legends Hulk tearing a tank apart and about to toss the tank with two soldiers still inside,and one kneeing on the ground flames,exposed wiring,and tank threads coming from the dissembled tank. This was made using various parts of different action figures to complete a action scene.


Celebrity Gossip Blogs Daily john cena action figure gurren lagann action figure

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How The Incredible Hulk Should've Ended (stop motion)

Instead of General Ross, Tony Stark confronts Hulk in his Iron Man suit.


john cena action figure toy rocket

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My Wrestling Action Figures (Part 1)

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Hey community I am looking to get my hands on the seventh Kingdom 2006 exclusive Minotaurs minus The Keeper. I have alot of great stuff I am willing to trade for them so check it out I'd love doing business with you. TRADING FOR WHAT I NEED! I got Deadpool Spider-Hulk Sentinel Face-Off Hulk Galactus one of a kind Customs and more If you got these I'm really willing to make a trade with you.


gundam action figures undertaker action figure

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Marvel Legends Display Xmen vs The Brotherhood

New display depicting Magneto and some Brotherhood vs the Xmen trying to save one of their own! Great use of extra display pieces.


neca toys transformers energon figures mortal kombat action figures

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Wolverine - MARVEL Legends Showdown

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BANDAI BEN 10 ACTION FIGURE REVIEW, WITH A LITTLE BACKGROUND Check me out on twitter: twitter.com twitter.com Facebook: maxxxx solo: www.facebook.com Check out my fave channels: maxxxxsolo: www.youtube.com soloactivity: www.youtube.com MrMaxOverride www.youtube.com MrMADGUS:...


mezco action figures

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Marvel Legends Update/ Weekly pickup

This is what i picked up in the world of marvel legends this week.. what ive picked up what ime reading...


wcw action figures undertaker action figure

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Stuff I Got #9: Cartman and Alf Dolls, Hyper Scan Games, And Some UFCs back Biglots had them

This was filmed a while back, so don't expect any UFC DVDs at Biglots at this time, but like me you should always check back.


john cena action figure ringside collectibles mortal kombat action figures

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Marvel Display Sideshow Toys Classic Iron Man Comiquette Exclusive

Here you go fellow youtubers and Marvel lovers!! This is Tony Stark AKA Iron Man in all his glory!! This statue is absolutely gorgeous!! Now I know that these cost a fair amount but it is totally worth it in my eyes!! The detail and paint application just can not be beat!! I have a large number of different statues from Sideshow to Bowen to Kotobukyia to Diamond Select so let me know if you want to see some more!! Ilove sharing these gems with others who will appreciate them so let me know!!


wwf wrestling action figures

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MARVEL ZOMBIES the bluff trailer

WIFEYPOOL (Nate's Wife) as MARY JANE www.youtube.com TEKNEKFLOZART as EVERYBODY ELSE www.youtube.com Two things I've been wanting to do; A Marvel Zombies video and hand draw characters. I wanted this to have a gritty look so I chose this style for a Zombie-like feel. But don't let a Zombie feel you. They are way too close in that case. Feel me?


john cena action figure

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Evolution of WWE Characters (Classic Edition)

Fan of action figures or not, this video is a must see. Come see how wrestlers have evolved through the years. www.epicfigs.com (go there for the best wwe figures on ebay) You will witness this thru the power of action figures. Very powerful film. For bonus points, name the theme songs. Rate 5, Fave it! etc...


toy rocket

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Craigslist Pick Up HUGE!!! Hasbro Figures and Wrestling Buddies

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Action Figure Cinema (Trailer)

A trailer for a new comedy series featuring stop-motion animation of action figures and lots of random Shale humour.


jeff hardy action figure star wars darth vader transformer toy rocket

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วันพุธที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553




gundam action figures boba fett kids costumes

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The Popularity of the Jeff Gordon Diecast

Jeff Gordon diecast model cars are quite a popular item. It's safe to say that, if you have a friend who might not be the biggest NASCAR fan, and you find a diecast car on their coffee table, it's gonna have the number twenty four on it.

Gordon is one of those rare stars with a sort of all encompassing appeal. You don't have to know a thing about wrestling to be a fan of Hulk Hogan, you don't need to be a big basketball lover to recognize Michael Jordan's cultural importance, and you don't have to be a big stock car racing fan to be a Jeff Gordon fan.

Interestingly, this is part of what has made him something of a controversial figure within NASCAR fandom. Because Gordon's managed to achieve a sort of fame outside of the world of motorsports, what with his "movie star good looks", there's been some backlash, with some purists and sticks-in-the-proverbial-mud claiming that Gordon's fame has nothing to do with his ability and everything to do with those pretty boy looks.

This is something of a discredit to what Gordon actually has contributed to the sport, not to mention, patently absurd. What Gordon has is a mix of ability and charisma, it's as simple as that. That's the secret to star power. You might make a magazine cover or two on your looks alone, but it won't win you any championships, and it won't win you any real fans in your chosen sport. The reason the Jeff Gordon diecast is so popular has nothing to do with good looks and everything to do with his skill on the track and his charisma off it.

The controversy regarding Jeff Gordon will probably be in place until he's retired. Right up until his final race, Dale Earnhardt was still the subject of more than a few arguments. His fans admired the way he took control of the road while his detractors considered his aggressive style to be little more than a form of bullying. It wasn't until after Earnhardt's passing that some people could just admit to themselves that he was one of the greatest drivers we've ever had the privilege to root for.

So it probably won't be until the Jeff Gordon diecast becomes an antique that his fans will finally be able to stop trying to talk sense into his detractors. But let's be honest: He's a living legend of the sport. Ask a random person on the street to name three racers, Gordon will probably be the first, followed closely by Earnhardt and Mario Andretti. Few racers have touched the mainstream public consciousness like Gordon, and if nothing else, you have to admire the fact that he's putting more butts in seats.

Celebrity Gossip Blogs Daily

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วันอังคารที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marvel Select Zombie Captain America Toy Review

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RHWA iMPACT! - Episode 1 Part 1 - Figure Stop Motion

READ THE DESCRIPTION!!!: Hey and welcome to the first ever episode of RHWA iMPACT! RHWA stands for Rob's Hardcore Wrestling Association and it sure will live up to this name! So ritchieboys is back finally with a brand new fresher stop motion show in much higher quality (video AND audio) and also has an awesome titantron to go with it. So part 1 to the episode features hulk hogan's announcement and the first ever match of Rob's Hardcore Wrestling Association: 'The Pope' Diangelo Dinero vs 'The Boss' Bobby Lashley in a non-title singles match. Also near the end of the vid, it says 'for the x division title' and on the background of the superstars you see the world tag team belts. FYI, i just made a mistake putting that one there and it was meant to be the X Division title. Please comment, rate and subscribe after watching this video, would be appreciated! :)


undertaker action figure gurren lagann action figure star wars darth vader transformer

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Marvel Legends Black ill-fitted Spiderman Review

1 Month... 1 Review every day......Stay tuned and thanks to everyone who voted for spiderman it was close between him and vision but he won by one vote!


boba fett costumes action figures

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Custom Hulk Marvel Legends Action Figure Compilation

This video showcases all of the custom Hulk figures I've made so far (with the exception of variants of particular characters). You can see more by visiting my website at: anthonyscustoms.webs.com. Thanks for watching!


jeff hardy action figure HOT DAIRY LINDSAY LOHAN CELEBRITY STAR gurren lagann action figure

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WWF Action Figures (Hasbro - 1991)

WWF Action Figures (Hasbro - 1991) Anúncio publicitário (dobrado em português), feito em 1991 e apresentado na televisão portuguesa durante finais de 1992 e inícios de 1993, referente às figuras da WWF da Hasbro que se encontravam à venda nas lojas nacionais.


Celebrity Gossip Blogs Daily

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MAD WORLD: Marvel VS Terminator

Six Marvel SuperHeroes VS Terminator Robots. This is my entry to MrMADGUS's contest.


star wars darth vader transformer

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the Incredible Hulk Mega Clap Hulk amount review

Now for Yesterday review Classics Astrotrain now today the Incredible Hulk Mega Clap Hulk figure


gurren lagann action figure

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Is John Cena Finally Over

Never before in the history of the WWE have they being so determined to get a superstar over with the fans as they have been with John Cena. Almost three years after the push began the question still remains as to whether Cena is over or not with the fans.

Certain opponents have managed to get the fans to cheer for Cena but only Edge managed it out of his opponents with talent. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho all failed to get the fans on the side of John Cena. The opponents where Cena has been cheered for where hardly a sign of approval, a guy like The Great Khali is always going to be booed as he has no talent for the marks to respect and he's meant to be booed by every one else.

So why have WWE stuck by John Cena for so long? As already discussed he's not massively popular, he has his fans of course but no more than the likes of Christian had when he was with the WWE or than Chris Benoit. Sure he has great microphone skills but John Cenas in ring performance level is far below that of these two.

John Cena's character doesn't really stand out as amazing either his attitude seems forced and is nowhere near the level Steve Austin achieved but this seems to be where WWE want Cena to be as they have almost completely dropped his rapper gimmick in recent times.

It's been argued that Cena could've been the greatest heel in the company if the WWE had turned him at the height of the fans disapproval of him but why didn't they? The two arguments that have been used are that WWE didn't want to risk the merchandise sales by turning Cena heel and the other is that Triple H (as the number one heel at the time) was totally against the move and originally he blamed Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho for failing to get Cena over, something Triple H himself failed to do.

The WWE's commentary team didn't help matters by claiming the booing was because Cena was controversial. Why? What part of John Cena's character was ever controversial? He was never as aggressive as Austin or as in your face as the Rock. Nor did John Cena cheat to win matches or flip out with members of the crowd when things didn't go his own way. Using the controversial tag was just a cop out on the part of WWE.

John Cena must be respected though as against all the disapproval he never let it effect his professionalism and for that he deserves credit, Cena has always kept his persona intact no matter how loud the crowds objection to him.

In recent months it appeared fans where starting to warm to Cena but once put in the ring with an opponent that has any popularity Cena seems to come out the loser with the fans. The Great Khali was a good move by WWE as Cena was always going to prove more popular but now with a match in which two fan favorites in Lashley and Mick Foley are amongst his opponents the boo's and jeers are once again resounding towards Cena.

How much longer WWE persist with Cena is unknown but with no one standing out in the current roster John Cena will be a major player for a while to come, whether you like it or not.

star wars darth vader transformer

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Marvel Minimate Motion Comic - Ed Johnson Presents: MW Vol. 1 Episode 08 I

MARVELOUS WORLD VOL. 1 EPISODE 08 Part 1 "Mash-Up" Spidey & Johnny Storm arrive back at the Baxter Bldg in response to Sue's emergency flare - to discover Sue and Reed in the wake of THE HULK! (Starring Marvel Minimates)


toy rocket wwf wrestling action figures

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Landyn Levi Nuttall 2of2

jwe wwe action figures wrestling cena hbk triple raw smackdown ecw the rock goldberg hogan hulk returns download link tna sex porn strip stop motion animation kendrick theme track countdown mbg1211 jedsworld ewa ccw thehardyboyzwwe wweangi new channel


john cena action figure jeff hardy action figure

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Smackdown vs Raw 2010 (Online season): D'Angelo Dinero - Brock Lesnar VS Carlito - Goldberg! Part1

Tag team match where i'm Carlito :D Comment by cabelmania! Subscribe! ;D


action figures wwf wrestling action figures

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The Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con

Looking for awesome action figures and more? Take a look at www.pastgenerationtoys.com OR call 1-877-507-4340 and tell then Anthony James sent you Funny stuff go to www.youtube.com MY 2nd channel TV AND MOVIE TALK www.youtube.com My Vloging channel www.youtube.com My theme song by www.youtube.com all other music is from freeplaymusic.com Website I'm on www.comiccrazyreviews.webs.com Fallow me if yo want http MY FACEBOOK TELL A FRIEND www.facebook.com


star wars darth vader transformer gurren lagann action figure

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