วันพุธที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Running Home After School to Watch the Transformers

I remember being a pre-pubescent child of the 80s. One of the biggest things in my life were The Transformers.

I was 9 years old. I remember the moment the school bell rang I had a total of 10 minutes to get home so I could catch the show. I lived close enough that there were no school buses to take me to and from school. But I lived far away enough to know I was going to cut it close.

I always wanted to catch every second of each episode. Especially the beginning. I mean, come one, who could deny that theme song. For those that don't know it (you should be ashamed of yourself) The lyrics consisted of mostly "The Transfomers, More than meets the eye.......The Transformers Robots in Disguise". It was pure poetry to a fourth grader.

By the time I finally made it home, I was drenched in sweat. It also didn't help that I lived in South Florida where it hits 90 degrees every single day and I was running at the peak of the humidity. But when I made it home I gave my mom a quick hello and raced upstairs to the living room.

You didn't hear a peep out of me for the next 30 minutes. I would be completely enthralled with captivating drama of good vs evil. Even though i always knew that the autobots would triumph over the decepticons in every single episode, it was still very climactic. The makers of the show did an excellent job of creating tension.

Those of you who were lucky enough to be around to watch the series can certainly remember the great soundtrack and background music that was played during a battle. Heck, John Williams (Composer of Jaws) would have been proud.

I can safely say that even as a full grown adult. I could still watch those shows today and still be completely entertained. Cartoons like that will always stand the test of time.

undertaker action figure

